Sandra Franco - Pilates & Movement Specialist - West Wickham

Indirizzo: Sussex Rd, West Wickham BR4 0JX.

Sito web:
Specialità: Programma di attività fisica.
Altri dati di interesse: Servizi in loco, Corsi online, Parcheggio accessibile in sedia a rotelle.
Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 17 recensioni su Google My Business.
Media delle opinioni: 5/5.

Posizione di Sandra Franco - Pilates & Movement Specialist

Sandra Franco - Pilates & Movement Specialist Sussex Rd, West Wickham BR4 0JX

Stai cercando un istruttore di Pilates e movimento esperto nel Regno Unito Non cercare oltre Sandra Franco, la tua specialista in movimento. Situata all'Indirizzo: Sussex Rd, West Wickham BR4 0JX, Sandra Franco offre un programma di attività fisica di prim'ordine per aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi di fitness.

Con una media di 5/5 stelle su 17 recensioni di Google My Business, Sandra Franco è altamente recomandata per i suoi servizi in loco e online. Uno dei vantaggi unici di questo studio è il parcheggio accessibile in sedia a rotelle, rendendolo accessibile a tutti.

Sandra Franco offre una gamma completa di servizi di Pilates e movimento, tra cui corsi di gruppo, sessioni individuali e programmi online. Qualunque sia il tuo livello di forma fisica o obiettivi specifici, Sandra Franco può personalizzare un programma di allenamento che si adatta perfettamente alle tue esigenze.

Cosa distingue Sandra Franco dagli altri studi di Pilates L'enfasi sulla sicurezza e la tecnica, garantendo che ogni esercizio sia eseguito correttamente per ottenere i massimi benefici. Inoltre, Sandra Franco si impegna a fornire un'esperienza unica e positiva per ogni cliente, offrendo un'atmosfera amichevole e incentrata sul cliente.

Se sei pronto a iniziare il tuo viaggio di fitness e benessere, non cercare oltre Sandra Franco - la tua specialista in movimento. Per saperne di più o per prenotare una sessione, visita il suo sito web.

Non perdere altro tempo, inizia oggi il tuo viaggio verso una vita più sana e più felice con Sandra Franco.

Recensioni di Sandra Franco - Pilates & Movement Specialist

Sandra Franco - Pilates & Movement Specialist - West Wickham
Iveta Markovic

Sandra is an amazing teacher. I have been enjoying her classes for many years and will highly recommend her as she is one of the best pilates teachers I have experienced. She's highly educated in what she does and is able to adapt her teaching to each individual. Thanks to her classes I have been able to solve my knee problem.
Thank you Sandra!

Sandra Franco - Pilates & Movement Specialist - West Wickham

Sandra is a brilliant Pilates teacher, and I can’t recommend her classes highly enough. All exercises are clearly explained and demonstrated with adaptations to suit individual needs. There’s always a warm and friendly welcome at each class and I always leave feeling better for doing it!

Sandra Franco - Pilates & Movement Specialist - West Wickham
Tracey Martin

If you are thinking of trying Pilates for the first time, do not hesitate any longer, this is where you need to come! I started with Sandra in September 2021 after years of wanting to try Pilates to strengthen my core, and help with lower back pain. I’m so pleased I did! The classes are small enabling everyone to receive individual attention, therefore you know you are doing it correctly which is so important. Sandra will always give a few alternatives for each exercise, taking into account any health issues and also ability. She’s very warm and encouraging, it’s lovely to hear her praise for individuals throughout the class when they are trying hard and have nailed a move! You can tell she has a wealth of knowledge and is highly educated in her field, but manages to explain the benefit of each exercise very simply. It’s a great start to the weekend and however tired I might feel going into the class, by the end I always feel 100% energised but also relaxed, stretched and ready to face the day! Thank you Sandra.

Sandra Franco - Pilates & Movement Specialist - West Wickham

Sandra is an absolutely fantastic pilates teacher! I started as a beginner around 6 months ago and through that time, my core and knee strength have improved immensely! She is so professional and patient and really takes the time to talk through and demonstrate all the exercises. She provides different levels according to your own ability, so you really feel that the class is tailored to you.

Sandra Franco - Pilates & Movement Specialist - West Wickham
abbey kitchener

I would highly recommend Sandra’s Pilates classes. I’ve been attending classes with her now for a number of years and I would now say she is more of a friend than a teacher! She accommodates everybody’s needs and classes are fun and friendly. I always feel so much better after a class. Thanks for being amazing Sandra!

Sandra Franco - Pilates & Movement Specialist - West Wickham
Brenda Bain

I have been going to class for just over a year now and definitely feel the benefits, both physically and mentally. Sandra is very warm and welcoming- and this radiates throughout the whole class- everyone is so friendly. Different levels for each movement, together with variations for any physical restrictions really do make you feel like it's tailored just for you. A great class!

Sandra Franco - Pilates & Movement Specialist - West Wickham
Kelly Medaney

I would really recommend Sandra’s Pilates classes they have a made a Huge different to me.

I always wanted to try Pilates but never did or find the right class/person to go too until my sister had recommended Sandra’s class, so we joined as beginners and haven’t looked back.
She really takes the time to show you how to do it the right way and how this is helping you and would always show you an alternative if anyone couldn’t do it for whatever reason.

I originally started as I have had real problems with my back to the point where I was in so much pain it was unbearable from day to day.

Now it’s amazing how much this has
helped me and also building up my core muscles too which was very much needed. ?

So without a doubt I would so recommend Sandra she can change your life for the better.

I Couldn’t do without it now ?
You better not ever stop running your classes Sandra lol.
Kelly x x

Sandra Franco - Pilates & Movement Specialist - West Wickham
Jackie Dowie

I had never done Pilates before but Sandra is such a good teacher. She makes sure everyone is comfortable at their own level, carefully showing us each move. Small very friendly classes which everyone enjoys.

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