Laboling - La scuola di italiano in Sicilia - Milazzo, Città metropolitana di Messina

Indirizzo: Via Nino Ryolo, 20, 98057 Milazzo ME, Italia.
Telefono: 0909283214.
Sito web:
Specialità: Scuola di lingue.

Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 20 recensioni su Google My Business.
Media delle opinioni: 4.8/5.

Posizione di Laboling - La scuola di italiano in Sicilia

Laboling - La scuola di italiano in Sicilia è una rinomata scuola di lingue situata a Milazzo, in Sicilia. La sua ubicazione in Via Nino Ryolo, 20, 98057 Milazzo ME, Italia la rende un luogo ideale per imparare la lingua italiana in un ambiente autentico e affascinante.

Specializzata nell'insegnamento della lingua italiana, Laboling offre corsi personalizzati e di alta qualità per studenti di tutti i livelli. Con un team di insegnanti qualificati e un approccio innovativo all'apprendimento delle lingue, la scuola si distingue per la sua dedizione all'eccellenza.

Per contattare Laboling, è possibile chiamare il Telefono: 0909283214 o visitare il loro Sito web: Su Google My Business, l'azienda ha ricevuto ben 20 recensioni, con una media delle opinioni di 4.8/5, testimonianza della soddisfazione dei loro clienti.

Laboling è la scelta perfetta per chi desidera imparare l'italiano in un ambiente accogliente e stimolante. Con le sue eccellenti recensioni e la reputazione di offrire corsi di alta qualità, questa scuola di lingue è la destinazione ideale per chiunque voglia migliorare le proprie competenze linguistiche.

Non perdere l'opportunità di imparare la lingua italiana con Laboling. Contattali oggi stesso tramite il loro sito web e inizia il tuo viaggio verso la padronanza della lingua italiana!

Recensioni di Laboling - La scuola di italiano in Sicilia

Laboling - La scuola di italiano in Sicilia - Milazzo, Città metropolitana di Messina
Katarzyna Pietras

Preparati e gentili

Laboling - La scuola di italiano in Sicilia - Milazzo, Città metropolitana di Messina
Tom Spinelli

I cannot say enough good things about my 4-week learning experience at Laboling! The learning experience was challenging, yet so rewarding with the great teachers I had - Chiara and Elvira! Sonja and Rosalba are to be commended for such a well run school! They showed such kind and gracious Sicilian hospitality! Best of all, its setting, Milazzo, is such a picturesque location. The learning combined with extracurricular activities and field trips was one of the most rewarding travel adventures I've had. If you want to learn Italian in the most beautiful setting, I highly recommend Laboling!

Laboling - La scuola di italiano in Sicilia - Milazzo, Città metropolitana di Messina
Luisa W

Sehr gute Sprachschule in Milazzo! Waren in der Elternzeit mit unserem Sohn dort. Die Sprachschule hat eine Babysitterin, die Betreuung von unserem Sohn hat sehr gut geklappt!
Neben dem Sprachkurs gibt es am Nachmittag verschiedene Aktivitäten für die Gruppe, wie zum Beispiel essen gehen oder geführte Touren auf die Burg. Sie bieten auch Unterkünfte bei italienischen Familien an.

Laboling - La scuola di italiano in Sicilia - Milazzo, Città metropolitana di Messina

I've always been interested in Italian language and Sicilian culture. So when I retired in 2021 I started researching the language schools in Sicily. There were numerous options for a 50+ course. I chose the one offered by Laboling in October of 2021 and I'm glad that I did! The entire staff was extremely gracious, accommodating, and patient. Their kindness started before the 50+ course began. Covid was still a threat at the time. I left the States on a Thursday and was to arrive in Milazzo Friday evening. However, after two flight cancellations I was still in Rome when my arranged pickup was in Catania. I finally arrived in Milazzo on Sunday evening. During that two day delay, the congeniality of the Laboling staff never faltered. The accommodations in the shared flat were a throwback to my college days. Getting to know my flatmates was a cultural experience in itself. The two week 50+ course was absolutely fabulous (I decided to say longer). The planned excursions were led by the staff, who were not only great teachers but also excellent tour guides - second to none. Not sure who took the pic - hello to all!

Laboling - La scuola di italiano in Sicilia - Milazzo, Città metropolitana di Messina
Jeannette C

I took a week intensive class last month and thoroughly enjoyed it. I would recommend this school to anyone looking to practice using their Italian. The morning classes were fun and varied covering grammar, conversation, reading and writing. They were tailored to everyone’s ability. The teacher Chiara was enthusiastic, fun and highly qualified.
In the afternoon there were organized excursions (optional). One was a visit to Tindari and one was a historic walk around Milazzo conducted in Italian.
The school is ideally located off the main promenade in Milazzo and has a great beach nearby as well as restaurants and stores. Milazzo does not have the distractions of other more touristy (and expensive) locations. I liked this town as well as any I visited in Sicily.
Everyone was friendly. I stayed in the shared apartment above the school with other students which was fun. They even met me at the train station. I would go back there to study again.

Laboling - La scuola di italiano in Sicilia - Milazzo, Città metropolitana di Messina
Andrea Kunz

Laboling ist mehr als eine Schule. Neben der Sprache wird bei den angebotenen Ausflügen am Nachmittag sehr viel über die
Kultur und das Leben in Italien vermittelt. Der Unterricht in kleinen Gruppen, die nach Ihrem Kenntnisstand zusammengestellt werden ist lebendig und viel auf Kommunikation ausgerichtet ohne die notwendige Grammatik außer Acht zu lassen. Alle Lehrerinnen sind sehr gut ausgebildet und verstehen es die Sprache zu vermitteln. Lernen mit Laboling ist Sizilien erleben, Freunde finden und jeder der schon mal dort war kehrt immer wieder zurück.

Laboling - La scuola di italiano in Sicilia - Milazzo, Città metropolitana di Messina
Röbi Robi

Laboling ist wirklich eine unglaublich tolle kleine Sprachschule im Herzen des sizilianischen Städtchens Milazzo.
Man wird individuell auf seine sprachlichen Bedürfnisse geschult, man kann diverse verschiedene Unterrichtsmodelle buchen, sowie die Zertifikat-Tests direkt in der Schule absolvieren.
Ausflüge werden angeboten, jederzeit Hilfe geleistet, sowie spürt man das Familiengefühl von Anfang an.
Nur zu empfehlen!

Laboling - La scuola di italiano in Sicilia - Milazzo, Città metropolitana di Messina
Rainer F. Hoffer

Wer Italien in seiner authentischsten Form kennenlernen will, ist hier richtig. Auch wenn er sich hier italienische Kultur interessiert, ist hier bestens aufgehoben.

Die Schule organisiert einzigartigen Exkursionen ins Hinterland und an die Küsten. Highlight: die liparischen Inseln mit ihren aktiven Vulkanen.

Zentral gelegene Schule, typisch italienische Cafeteris direkt ums Eck und nur ein paar Minuten zum Strand. Die schweizerische Schulleitung garantiert professionellen Service und reibungslose Kommunikation.

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